Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Steve Bryant on Comic Geek Speak

I stopped in to chat with the Comic Geek Speak guys earlier this week. In addition to talking about Athena Voltaire (and the newly-solicited AV trade paperback collection of Flight of the Falcon), we went through the latest issues of Diamond Distributors' Previews. Lots of Ape-love in this episode!

As mentioned above, Athena Voltaire: Flight of the Falcon is in the latest Previews, as is our first trade paperback, The Collected Webcomics.

Order the books with the following codes:
Flight of the Falcon: MAY083588
The Collected Webcomics:


kkurtz said...

you are still rockin' it HARD,
my brutha"!!

Steve Bryant said...

Hey, Kevin! How the hell are ya?

Email me direct at atomictikistudio at gmail dot com and we'll catch up!