I stopped in to chat with the
Comic Geek Speak guys earlier this week. In addition to talking about
Athena Voltaire (and the newly-solicited AV trade paperback collection of
Flight of the Falcon), we went through the latest issues of Diamond Distributors'
Previews. Lots of Ape-love in
this episode!As mentioned above,
Athena Voltaire: Flight of the Falcon is in the latest
Previews, as is our first trade paperback,
The Collected Webcomics.
Order the books with the following codes:
Flight of the Falcon: MAY083588
The Collected Webcomics: MAY083589
you are still rockin' it HARD,
my brutha"!!
Hey, Kevin! How the hell are ya?
Email me direct at atomictikistudio at gmail dot com and we'll catch up!
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